Phoenix Home Services, Inc.

Basement Remodeling vs. Basement Finishing: Which is Best for Your Home?

How We're Protecting Our Customer's and Employees During COVID-19

Home Improvement Horror Stories (and How to Avoid Them): Part 1

Harvard Study Predicting Massive Surge in Home Improvement Spending

  • Your family has been discussing the need for a new deck for several years now. You've bounced around every possible need it should accommodate. You've drawn out sketch after sketch after sketch and generated dumpsters worth of crumpled up notebook paper.You may have even shared the idea with friends or coworkers to get as much feedback as possible. Your buddy's…
    The Definitive Guide to Hiring a General Contractor
  • Owning a home in the United States is often regarded as the pinnacle of the American Dream. Many Americans spend their lives saving for and then purchasing a home, only to realize they are now obligated to pay a mortgage for 20-30 years or more!One might have hoped that the American Dream had been fulfilled at this point, but few…
    The Real Cost of Home Improvement
  • If you turn your television to any home and garden show, you will be flooded with ideas and inspiration for your next home remodeling project. From refinishing kitchens to tearing down walls and pulling up floors, the possibilities are endless. However, as a homeowner, it is important to know which home remodeling projects are worthwhile to invest in.Here, we will…
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Fairfax, VA 22031
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